What is your biggest challenge in your business or your career?

Are you a business leader or owner? With the continued changes happening in our nation and around the world, what is your biggest concern?

Many in business are afraid to take steps forward now with so much about the future unknown. What is the worse that can happen if you take some steps to grow or stengthen your firm or your career?

Risks are part of business and our career. These are times to research and turn to credibe resources. It takes courage to take such risks. Consider the value of a good executive coach.


Sunday, July 12, 2015


Our business world is ever-changing.  For many years we saw numerous downsizings and closings, causing much unemployment.  More recently we are seeing more mergers and acquisitions and some restructurings.  Though these transitions can also cause some reduction of employees, the effects can tend to be more changes in reorganizations in an effort to make companies more efficient.

Nevertheless, change of any kind can cause stress and an uneasiness for the affected workforce.  Therefore, it is important that the key executives provide good communication regularly throughout the company.  This helps to ease concern and make all feel "informed and included in the organization's transition".

Another effort that can help the workforce to stay focused and productive, especially if any employees are released, is to provide a workshop on "Change Management".  Though change is common and part of the normal business world today, a workshop on this topic with advice on how to deal with change can be therapeutic and provide an effective understanding to what people are experiencing.

Sometimes a separate "Managing Change" workshop can be helpful to those managers and supervisors, who may feel the stress about keeping everyone else calm, plus working on the changes that will help the company be more productive.  That responsibility can be a heavy load for even experienced and knowledgeable leaders.

To take a step back in this process, it can be extremely helpful to have a "transition expert" to walk your leaders through and review the planned transition.  All too often, small details can get overlooked, which could cause major headaches, instead of the positive boost the transition is meant to produce.  Transition Experts, like Compass Career Management Solutions, have been able to assist companies avoid "big lapses" and enable there to be a "smooth, seamless transition".

Therefore, when your company is considering a transition of any kind, you are encouraged to include an expert to partner with your leaders to ensure a smooth and successful transition.  From all indicators mergers and acquisitions will continue to take place.  Remember that "change is the norm".

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