What is your biggest challenge in your business or your career?

Are you a business leader or owner? With the continued changes happening in our nation and around the world, what is your biggest concern?

Many in business are afraid to take steps forward now with so much about the future unknown. What is the worse that can happen if you take some steps to grow or stengthen your firm or your career?

Risks are part of business and our career. These are times to research and turn to credibe resources. It takes courage to take such risks. Consider the value of a good executive coach.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


Human Resource professionals deal with all aspects of employees in the workplace.  Some of these areas can be very sensitive or even involve legal matters.  Because HR has to be very conscious of privacy and HIPPA, etc., their responsibilities can be a heavy burden and stressful. 

When beginning in human resources, even though these professionals have had lots of classroom exposure, with each year that an HR professional works, gains experience in different industries or different aspects of human resources, they find themselves in an ongoing learning process.

With over 19 years in our HR consulting business, and having spoken with a multitude of HRs, I have heard more comments lately on how these Sr. HRs would value more time with their peers in order to glean others' experiences and knowledge.  Time is precious to all, but pulling together a group of Senior HRs for some focused discussions seems to be a wise use of time.

Compass Career Management Solutions strives to be a resource and support to both HRs and their employers.  Change and ongoing challenges is a natural part of business, and yet tapping into reputable, experienced professionals is one effort that I believe is very worthwhile.

With the support of peers and resources like CCMS, the employees and whole organization benefits as well.

Note that presidents and employers need such support, too.  If you have an interest in being a part of such professional gatherings, let me know.  No one has ALL the answers, but when looking for solutions or resources, there are other experienced professionals, who would value supporting each other.

Robyn Crigger, CEO

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